Blog-09-Woodale Theological Seminary
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Higher education is part of the Agenda 2030 ecosystem

Universities must convince governments and development agencies that higher education is not a luxury but an essential part of the education ecosystem needed to achieve the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030, according to three international networks representing more than 2,000 institutions. Their call came during a webinar co-organised by the Association of…

Woodale Theological Seminary blog-13

Autism rates have increased and show differences in ethnic minorities

Around one in 57 (1.76%) children in the UK is on the autistic spectrum, significantly higher than previously reported, according to a study of more than seven million children carried out by researchers from the University of Cambridge’s Department of Psychiatry, in collaboration with researchers from Newcastle University and Maastricht University. It is important that…

Woodale Theological Seminary blog-11
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Most students pleased with their digital learning

Nearly seven in 10 students surveyed rate the quality of online and digital learning as either ‘best imaginable’, ‘excellent’ or ‘good’ (68% of both further and higher education students). But the snapshot findings of the Jisc survey of 27,069 higher and further education students in the United Kingdom also found that areas such as well-being,…

Woodale Theological Seminary blog-14

Gender inequality in higher education persists

Female enrolment in higher education has tripled globally between 1995 and 2018. However, recent research has provided evidence that the gender gap in higher education has declined very little in recent decades and closely matches the continued gender inequality in the labour market. Furthermore, the ‘equal access’ to an academic education and career that women…